Perfumes. Where do I even start? I used to have a collection that could rival Myer's. I was the girl who had every new scent and never felt ready to leave the house until my body had been doused in a cocktail of fragrance.
Fragrance being the key word, of course. It wasn't until a few years ago that I began to understand what 'fragrance' meant (if you have watched STINK on Netflix, you will KNOW what I am talking about).
According to the Environmental Working Group, the average fragrance contains about 14 secret chemicals that aren’t listed on the label, many of which are linked to hormone disruption, fertility issues, & cancer. Their studies have also shown that about 80 percent of these secret ingredients have not been tested for human safety in personal care products. Ingredients listed under the name 'fragrance' are also known to cause central nervous disorders, kidney damage, respiratory failure, ataxia and many less serious but still troubling symptoms such as GI tract irritation, dizziness, fatigue and more.
The good news? It is totally easy to make gorgeous smelling DIY perfumes that won't harm your body, offend anyone's nostrils, cost you your life savings or pollute the Earth!

Using essential oils for DIY non-tox perfumes is so easy and affordable, and what's better is that when you are using doTERRA essential oils, there is nothing but that pure plant extract (no synthetics, pesticides or fillers), which means it is completely safe. In fact, instead of having health concerns like with normal perfumes, you will actually get to experience health benefits!
Essential oils when used topically and aromatically can have incredible effects on our body and our wellbeing. Each essential oil carries it's own unique benefits. One of the ways I love to create my perfume blends is by referring to my Emotions & Essential Oils handbook. I can then pick essential oils that only smell amazing, but can support my moods & emotions in a personal way.
Here are some tips (and of course, some recipes!) for making your very own DIY perfume blends.

HOW TO GET STARTED: ✓ Click this link: Buy doTERRA Essential Oils ✓ Click Join and Save. ✓ Choose your Language & Country of Residence ✓ Click Local (OTG) Order (Australian Warehouse, Australian Dollars, if applicable) ✓ If you are joining as a customer, select WHOLESALE CUSTOMER , if you know you are ready to dive deep and build your own incredible business, choose WELLNESS ADVOCATE ✓ Enter your personal information. If you don’t have an ABN, that’s fine, leave it blank. ✓ At *Enroller ID*, enter my number: 4915003 ✓ Then click verify (it should then show you my name, COURTNEY DOW). ✓ Set yourself up with a password. ✓ Click over to the next page. ✓ Select which kit you’d like to order. Either the enrolment kit you would like (and waive the joining fee) or choose your single oils and add your ‘Welcome Introductory Packet for $35 (this is your membership). ✓ Make sure to add a bottle of ‘fractionated coconut oil’ to your order so you can start to create blends and apply the oils safely to your body. ✓ Enter your Credit Card details and process your order. ✓ To join our optional POINTS program, set up your next month's LRP order (try the Mood Management Kit) and pick which date you want it to ship ✓Orders are shipped directly to your door from doTERRA.
Once you place your order you will receive personal communication from me with lots of amazing resources (such as our recipe app, facebook groups, eBooks and more!).